February 1, 2006

Beach Nourishment News from here to Brunswick County.

OB Sentinel Letters and Beach nourishment artcle

Sentinel's article on Beach Nourishment
Interesting debate between Andy Coburn of Duke (a Pilkey guy) and the facts in the form of Spencer Rogers of UNC Sea Grant. The seminal point from Progers:,
he [Rogers]worked with beach communities to evaluate oceanfront erosion-related damage in the wake of hurricanes Dennis and Floyd. Rogers was particularly interested in the aftermath of nourishment projects in Wrightsville, Carolina and Kure beaches. These beaches experienced Hurricane Floyd's highest storm surge which was considered a 75-year surge event...Rogers’ study states that, "Not a single building was threatened behind the rebuilt dunes along these three projects. The beach nourishment and dunes proved to do exactly what was intended -- protect the communities from hurricane-related erosion."

You can say beach nourishment doesn't work but here is the proof. .It can provide enhance protection from storm damage. That is a big part of why we need it.The article comes starts with the old saw that erosion isn't a problem for the beach but for the buildlngs. That's wonderful but the bulidlings don't care either. Its really a problem for people because of the relationship between the beach, the buidlings and the future fo the community. It is a community decision. With current state regualtions regarding sandbags and beach bulldozing the idea that there will always be a usable beach is just wrong. Where is the usable beach in front of the house in the photo. That house still sits in the same relationship to the ocean. Beach nourishment will change that. If you don't want beach nourishment are you really ready to accept that over the next 50 years about one third of the northern beaches tax base will be destroyed by erosion and unless the rules change there will be sandbags along the entire oceanfront. Just aksing
No position from the Sentinel but over all not too bad an artcile
Too mamy letters to the editor to comment on all but in answer to Browning who is "insulted by the arrogance of developers and real estate agents who are pushing and propagandizing to keep the sales tax increase for beach nourishment. " Yes the sales tax revenues could be used to replace sound bulkheads and deal with erosion problems on the Soundside. The revenue is pledged to :Shoreline Management: and that includes both the ocean and the estuarine shore line.

Corps negotiations stall Ocean Isle sand project

The Brunswick Beacon reports that negotioations beween the COE and Great Lakes Dredging over the cost and volume of sand to renourish beaches in Ocean Isle have fallen through and there is now no chance the project will begin before Nov. 1.
Negotiations between the corps and the one bidding contractor faltered last week, and the sand cannot be distributed until at least Nov. 1, Town Administrator Daisy Ivey and Mayor Debbie Smith announced Tuesday.

The size of the dredge needed for the project appears to be the issue.


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