March 2, 2008

Cherryflava: The day before...

A post in the Photowalking Pro blog led me to Cherryflava: The day before...: Here is how Photowalking Pro describes the post:
The Day Before and the photographs are part of an ad campaign from the Cape Times, a Cape Town newspaper in South Africa. The ads show images that look very simple and plain in nature until you know the context of what they represent. There is a photo of a park full of people enjoying a beautiful day with the twin towers in the background. The date of the photo? September 10, 2001. Following that is an image of an Asian mother and her son dated August 5, 1945, an image of JFK and his children in the Oval Office, November 21, 1963, and a group of African children walking to school dated June 15, 1976. I think most of you know the significance of the images but if you don’t, they are all from the day before a significant moment in history; 9/11, the bombing of Hiroshima, the assassination of JFK, and the Soweto riots. The tag line for the ads reads “The World can change in a day, don’t miss your daily edition of in-depth news”.
It is a powerful way to send an important message, no not go buy a paper, make each day matter, we don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Note: The images are not pure, Kennedy was in Texas the day before he was shot and there is no guarantee the images are chronologically honest but the message still resonates.

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