February 24, 2008

Ron Paul raising money for Jones | newsobserver.com projects

This whole thing is just a little bizarre. The N&O rpeorts that
Ron Paul raising money for Rep. Walter Jones
"The Republican presidential candidate sent out an e-mail to supporters today asking them to donate to Jones' re-election campaign."

Jones has not endorsed Ron Paul though they share their opposition to the war. N&O Story has the full text of the email and it notes that the fund raising email was paid for by Jones. That is not as odd as it may sound. Broadcast e-mail marketing is not free and when done properly can cost as much as a penny a name (the more you do it gets cheaper). I don't expect Paul has wants to expend his money to shake the trees for Walter.
Walter has opposition in the Republican primary and an excellent Dem0cratic candidate running against him in Marshall Adame. Adame is a Vietnam vet and he has 2 sons who have served in the Iraq war. He is smart, articulate and he wants to make a difference. He has strong support in Dare and should garner good support in the heavily military areas of Jone's 3rd district.


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